Saturday, July 2, 2011


Dear Readers (if indeed there are any),

Welcome to my little blog! I apologize for the weird design elements, the excuse being that it's my first attempt at making one of these.

This blog will be dedicated to the knitting of steampunk fripperies and any other random and marginally related things i can come up with. Since steampunk knitting doesn't seem to be much of a thing (yet, of course), i encourage any readers who may appear to add their ideas as well. Let's make it a thing! :)

By the by, this weird idea came to me while (re)watching the episode of Firefly where Kaylee gets to go to a party. Isn't she adorable? As a fellow spaceship mechanic, i sympathize with her love both of mechanical stuff and of cute outfits, and in this blog i plan to throw the two into a blender and see what happens. A steam-powered blender, with lots of gears on it. >:]


Disclaimer: I have no official affiliation with Firefly or any other brand name thing i may mention here. I don't even own a firefly-class transport. :( This blog is not for profit, but for fun. Everyone is welcome to use the patterns posted here, but please no plagiarism, etc. you know the drill. If you have questions/comments/hellos to say, want to buy me a firefly-class transport, or are about to sue me on behalf of a large corporation, please contact me at

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