Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Ada Lovelace Day Everyone!

...and the irony of it is, i would totally have stuff up here for this glorious occasion, if i weren't so darn busy being a woman in engineering. =/ (< grumble >stupid Visual Studio generated test code made by Microsoft goons< / grumble >)

Anyway! I shall eventually have the next thing up, which is a pattern for knitted gears, and i'm sure would be very much Lovelace-approved (handy in a pinch if the Difference Engine needs spares).

Until then, i refer all and sundry to the best biography of Ada out on the net today:

Lovelace -- The Origin!

Yep. :]

Ladies in math, science, and engineering -- i salute you!
Visual Studio -- i salute you not! x.x

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